• wisdom
    Devotions,  Proverbs,  Proverbs 8

    Is Wisdom Hard to Get? – Proverbs 8

    In the eighth chapter of the book of Proverbs, wisdom is personified as a woman standing in the street, calling out to those around her. She offers instruction to anyone willing to take it. She promises great rewards to those who accept what she has to offer. She makes her offer to “all mankind” (Proverbs 8:4). Why then do we sometimes act as if wisdom is so hard to get? We act as though it takes a lifetime of schooling, a slew of hard knocks, and an above average intellect to get wisdom. Reading through the rest of the chapter, though, it seems as if the clearest path to wisdom…

  • apples
    Devotions,  Proverbs,  Proverbs 7

    The Apple of Your Eye – Proverbs 7

    The seventh chapter of Proverbs is a warning to a young man to stay away from sexual sin. The initial verses of the chapter supply the defensive strategy that is needed to win the battle against temptation. “My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you… Guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.” -Proverbs 7:1-2 When we train ourselves to value what is good and right, we gain the strength to win what can be a very difficult battle. The training consists of constant reminders, daily reading, and surrounding ourselves with people who will uphold us and reinforce us in our convictions. How important is…

  • money
    Devotions,  Proverbs,  Proverbs 6

    Warnings Against Folly – Proverbs 6

    In the Bible on my desk right now, the first part of Proverbs six has a section heading. It is called “Warnings Against Folly.” It is interesting that more than half the section deals with money. Being financially responsible is obviously very important, and it is a recurring theme throughout the whole book of Proverbs and the teachings of Jesus as well. The first warning is against putting up security for your neighbour. Now, you might think that trusting your neighbour is the kind, neighbourly thing to do. But, no. It is considered foolishness. We need to be more careful than that. We need to understand that our resources are…

  • Bible
    Devotions,  Proverbs,  Proverbs 5

    Pay Attention! – Proverbs 5

    “Pay attention to my wisdom.” “Turn your ear to my words of insight.” —Proverbs 5:1-2 It is so easy for us to be distracted. We seem to be carried away by every shiny new object that enters our field of vision. The writer here reminds us to pay attention to what is important: wisdom and insight. In this case, he is warning specifically against adultery, but that particular sin is not the only one we need to be on our guard against. We each have our areas where we are vulnerable. Feeding our minds with the wisdom of Proverbs is great protection against whatever might try to entice us. Reading…

  • child choosing direction
    Devotions,  Proverbs,  Proverbs 4

    Does father really know best? – Proverbs 4

    At the beginning of the fourth chapter of Proverbs, the writer repeats his admonition to his son, “Listen to me!” This time around, though, he shares with his reader a sampling of his credentials, “For I too was a son to my father, still tender, and cherished by my mother. Then he taught me.” Here, Dad reminds his son that he has been in the place where his son now stands. Once, he too was a young man making a serious choice, “Should I listen to my father’s advice or should I go my own way?” Can we trust the wisdom of those who have gone before us? Are we…

  • father
    Devotions,  Proverbs,  Proverbs 3

    Listen to your father! – Proverbs 3

    My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. —Proverbs 3:1-2 In these verses, the son is told that obeying his father’s commands, or taking dad’s advice, will prolong his life many years and bring him peace and prosperity. When you look at the themes that are repeated throughout the book of Proverbs, it is easy to see how this can be true. Proverbs is about being wise, following God, keeping your promises, being careful with your money, and eating and drinking well instead of foolishly. Who could fail to have…

  • Bible
    Devotions,  Encouragement,  Proverbs,  Proverbs 2

    Look for Wisdom: Find God – Proverbs 2

    Much of the book of Proverbs is a reminder of the importance of seeking after wisdom in life. It is basically a book of good advice. But in chapter 2, the writer says that if we look for wisdom, we will also “find the knowledge of God” (Proverbs 2:5). God is described as the source of all wisdom, and “from his mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6). God has given us the benefit of his wisdom in the Bible. In it, we have documentation of his dealings with individuals and groups of people called to a very specific task, to stand for or represent God on the earth. As…

  • Crowd
    Devotions,  Encouragement,  Proverbs,  Proverbs 1

    Do Not Go Along with the Crowd – Proverbs 1

    The middle part of Proverbs Chapter One is a warning to stay away from troublemakers. Now you would think that this would be obvious, but every generation, and really every one of us, has to learn this lesson. Hopefully we won’t have to learn it the hard way. The writer says of those who cause trouble, “Do not go along with them, do not set foot in their paths” (Proverbs 1:15). This is very similar to the first Psalm which warns us not to “walk… with the wicked” (Psalms 1:1). So, what kind of trouble are these troublemakers causing here in this first chapter of Proverbs? They want to “lie…

  • ceramics
    Devotions,  Psalms

    Joy and the Fear of God

    Fear of God seems to have gone out of fashion. It is a wonderful and comforting thing to view God as a loving and tender Father, but more than a little frightening to view him as grabbing an iron bar and smashing nations like so much defective pottery (Psalm 2:9). The psalmist says we are to serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. How do fear and joy come together in our understanding of God? It is easy, when we are feeling good, to bubble on about the joy of the Lord. But where does the sense of fear come in? Fear of God starts with understanding who…

  • furious
    Devotions,  Encouragement,  Psalms

    Breaking the Chains… or Not

    Are you raging against God? Have you had it up to your eyeballs with God trying to run your life? Are you looking for a way to get God out of your life forever? If so, you have a lot in common with those described at the beginning of Psalm 2. The people here were rebelling against God and his anointed king, David. They were mad as hell. They weren’t going to take it any more. “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles,” they said. How does God respond to all this fist-shaking? He laughs. Disclaimer: Please note that I might earn commissions from products sold or…