ready to run
Devotions,  Psalms,  Something to Think About

Are you ready to run away?

Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers.
– Psalm 1:1 (NIV)

Seeing how the Psalmist defines a godly man in Psalm 1, we first learn about the kind of person we should not be. We shouldn’t follow the advice of wicked people, we shouldn’t get comfortable with sin, and we should never teach others to do so.

There is an interesting progression here in how the writer describes the motion of an ungodly man: first walking, then standing and then sitting. There is a sort of comfort creep at work here.

In the beginning, our man is walking. It is pretty easy to make a run for it when you are already in motion. Not comfortable with what your friends are expecting you to do? Run away!

Running is easiest when you are already walking, somewhat less easy when you are standing, and quite a bit more difficult when you are sitting.

As he becomes more and more at home with things that start out as “take it or leave it” suggestions, the ungodly person moves from walking with the wicked to standing with the sinful to sitting with the scornful. He gradually gets more comfortable with things that might once have been unspeakable.

Sin is a ceaselessly slippery slope. Don’t allow yourself to feel at home around sin. Don’t relax and put your feet up. Instead, stay on guard and don’t get caught sitting down!

Always be ready to run away from things that drag you away from God.
