wisdom sets the table
Devotions,  Proverbs,  Proverbs 9

Wisdom Sets the Table – Proverbs 9

It is all there waiting for you. The table is beautifully set. A banquet of the finest meat and wine has been specially prepared.

More importantly, the invitation has your name on it!

Wisdom is calling to you. Come and enjoy everything she has to offer.

Wisdom has set the table, offering long life, understanding, and prosperity.

What can be more important that answering the call to wisdom? Certainly not watching television.

But it didn’t take long for tv watching to become the go to pastime for our society.

I am guilty of this myself. The lure of the big black box can be irresistible at times, even for me, a professed tv hater.

More recently, the internet has become the big distraction. The promise of endless information is enticing for an info junkie like me.

The blank screen always beckons, whether it is a mindless sitcom or the latest news online.

It takes discipline to resist that siren call and turn my mind to better things. But the payoff is unmistakable.

Wisdom has set the table, offering long life, understanding, and prosperity.

Fill your mind with things that will help you grow to be a better person, not just entertain you for a little while.

Determine each day to make the choice that leads to a better life.