think lovely thoughts
Devotions,  Proverbs,  Proverbs 15

What are you feeding your soul? – Proverbs 15

The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly. – Proverbs 15:14

We are confronted everywhere in the media with conflicting advice about how we should feed our bodies.

Should we enjoy the feast of whole grains for their mood enhancing B vitamins, or shun the deadly gluten they might contain?

Is coffee killing us? Or giving us life and energy to face the day?

Are dairy foods only for calves, or are they suitable for an child or adult human?

I am not a scientist, and it is pretty obvious that the scientists can’t agree completely on what we should or shouldn’t feed our bodies.

Thankfully, we have some guidelines in the Bible about what we should be feeding our souls.

Proverbs speaks a lot about the importance of wisdom and knowledge, but I especially love Paul’s take on how we should judge the quality of our thoughts.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. – Philippians 4:8

We need to dwell on what is true, good, and lovely. Too often we spend our time thinking about the negative things.

So take extra care today. Monitor what you listen to, what you see, and what kind or results you get.

Thinking about things that are good and lovely is bound to help you get through whatever potentially discouraging things that come your way.

Cultivate an appetite for what is admirable and helpful. Refuse to indulge in the sour taste of self-pity or the bitterness of resentment.

This will only be to your benefit in the long run, and your life will be much more enjoyable no matter what your circumstances might be.

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